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Av.  Alfredo Egídio de Souza Aranha,  nº 75 - 1º Andar
CEP 04726-170
Chácara Santo Antônio
Fone: 55 11 5641-2255

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Anúncio de emprego
Entender uma oferta de emprego é essencial.


Who we Are

Eigenheer: Specialists dealing solely with Executive Recruitment and Selection, Professional Database Development and Performance Evaluation.
Top Management: Executive Recruitment and Selection Division at Ernst & Young, one of the biggest auditing and consulting companies in the world, operating in Brazil since the 1970s.
1987: Eigenheer and Top Management form a strategic alliance aiming at Executive Recruitment and Selection.

Our Focus

Identify position and holder profile accurately
Identify the best solution for each search
Consulting team permanently quality-trained and updated
Use suitable information technology
Present straightforward applicant evaluation
Assist applicants cordially and respect their objectives
Keep track of each search permanently

Our Products

Executive Search and Selection and Multi-Recruitment Programs
Individual Executive Performance Evaluation
Performance Evaluation and Personnel Planning Programs
Support to Downsizing Programs

Our Work Plan

Devise Job Description
Prepare Evaluation Material - I and II
Select Sources, Contact and Recruit
Select, Interview and Test
Prepare and Present Evaluation Reports, Summaries and CVs
Coordinate Interviews and Support Clients
Gather Information
Follow-up to Applicant’s First Working Year

Our Fees

Our fees amount to 20% of the professional’s annual salary and are payable in three installments
One third is to be paid upon authorization, one within thirty days, one upon acceptance of applicants
Minimum charge for recruitment and selection is R$ 10.400,00
If the recruited applicant’s salary is lower than that estimated for billing purposes, the third installment will not exceed the previous ones
For other services, our fees are based on hours incurred

Our Guarantees

For one year we will be responsible for replacing applicants
For management positions held by analysts, technicians or specialists, we offer a 6-month guarantee, since it depends on how long professional evaluation will take


Our first data bank was devised on punched-card McBee system, and used from 1975 through 1982, when it was replaced with Dbase software and XT computers.
In 1987 we first devised and partially used the logic structure of EigPRO .
In 1993 EigPRO comes into operation as an open, flexible system, which is not only a data collection but also a tool to evaluate professionals and prepare reports addressed to internal and external clients.


Identify all the human potential available within a company immediately. Evaluate and quantify a company's management power and recruiting needs.
Manage promotion, succession and retirement policies instantly. Improve the company's job structure by analyzing forms over a network.
Evaluate the best employees in order to ensure fair dismissals in case of downsizing.
Have directors and managers themselves fill in forms.
Ensure network use of data by top management.
Visualize all applicants to the same position immediately.
Describe and Evaluate every position (and search) in the company.
Update all data about employees/candidates permanently.
Reduce TYPING: our system is fitted with a bank of scanned CVs, which are converted into text form and stored in MS-WORD.


Our system is not only a project for Selection and Recruitment, but also both a multi-purpose tool and a top quality program for Performance Evaluation, allowing all the following data and tables to be cross-referenced: number of employees, the most common age groups, educational background, language fluency, relationship skills, motivation, leadership, the most frequent activities, the skills most in need, training needs, positions most commonly replaced, the ablest professionals, the most prominent professionals, the professionals with the greatest potential, companies for which they have worked, former positions held, the products that they have sold or manufactured, etc.

Three Databases

Professional Database (with data about employees and applicants).
Position Database (a structure put up in order to evaluate activities and profiles).
Company and/or Division Database (Internal Clients) of a company.

Data Recording Fields

Applicants' educational background and courses taken.
Companies, areas or professional environment in which applicants have worked.
Applicants' history of positions held, nature of functions, reporting, reasons for promotion/dismissal.
Applicants' professional status (rank, evolution, present status, etc.)

Evaluation Fields (an evaluation of applicants' potential and current activities)

Current activities: 10 items
Objectives and goals to be attained: 5 items
Future positions: 5 items

Job Structure (4 basic levels, each with top and middle subdivisions)

Four Basic Levels:

Board of Directors
Strategic and executive level positions

Tactic level (link between strategic and operational levels)

Supervision or Coordination
Management of operational groups

Technicians and analysts with an individual output

Factors Evaluated

Knowledge Areas
Applicants' educational background (degree of university/college commitment and excellence), training (excellence in acquiring techniques and knowledge), computer skills (ability to use or produce information resources), career orientation (whether technical-operational or managerial coordination), language skills.

Personality Areas
Intelligence (how promptly at understanding and responding) Energy (how ambitious and b at attaining goals) Relationship (how sociable and skillful in negotiating) Leadership (how effective at understanding objectives and teaming up people in order to attain the latter). Personal presence (how clearly physical presence is noticed).

Experience-Related Areas
Companies for which applicants have worked (environment and organization in which their experience has been acquired). Products with which applicants have dealt (product quality level). Market (trade in which they are experienced, distribution channels). Specific experience
(results and successes attained, for how long, etc.)

Potential Evaluation
Professional development expectation based on the skills and abilities identified.

Evaluation Levels
10 = O - Outstanding (fully recommended)
8 to 9 = E - Excellent (recommended)
6 to 7 = G - Good (not fully recommended)
1 to 5 = P - Poor (not recommended)

Report Models (Applicant Presentation Reports)

Job Description
Applicant evaluation forms: History, Activities and profile education, Personality, Companies and Position, Professional Development Chart and Conclusion
Curriculum Vitae and Digital Photograph